Thursday, February 11, 2010

What's Happening. . . NewsFeed ?

Social networks have really been taking over my life. I've noticed that most hours of my day are spent on the internet .. blogging .. tweeting .. or telling my network of friends on facebook how i feel. I have tried taking a haetus, but it only lasted for a week and I must say I found myself constantly checking other people's updates. This is not right. It is sad to say how much time young adults, including myself, spend slaving over a computer or on a phone! WHat happened to family time and individual time. One of my dance teachers recently read us an article talking about how much un-important things distract inspiring performing artists. For example, dancers not spending enough time in the studio working on their craft and perfecting their passion. I am really upset that the extra hours get spent on the wrong things. It scares me that the things that took a decade to become popular in this world, now take 3 to 5 years. Where is our society going? Down the wrong path I assume. I honestly do fear for the next generations to come!

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